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- <text>
- <title>
- (1982) Paying More For Money
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1982 Highlights
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- March 8, 1982
- Paying More for Money
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>Interest rates are hurting, but Volcker holds fast against
- inflation
- </p>
- <p> Interest rates are normally an arcane subject, thought to be of
- passionate concern only to bankers and other financiers, and
- not fully understood even by them. Yet one way or another
- interest rates are paid by everyone who borrows money, which in
- the modern credit economy means just about everyone, period.
- Interest rates help to determine whether a business can hire
- workers, whether a consumer can afford his or her dream house,
- whether a farmer can plant seed. If they escaped the front-page
- headlines and the TV news in the past, that was because rates
- usually changed only slowly and by small amounts.
- </p>
- <p> No more. In the past three years, interest rates have shot up
- higher than anyone could have imagined earlier, and they have
- suddenly become Topic A in the beleaguered American economy. The
- high cost of money has crippled the Administration's economic
- program and endangered President Ronald Reagan politically.
- Expensive and scarce money has begun driving homebuilders, auto
- dealers and businessmen from every walk of life out of business,
- and in such numbers that bankruptcies around the country are
- beginning to rival those of the Great Depression. The cost of
- money is crimping the investment that U.S. industry needs to
- make to become more productive. Sky-high rates are putting state
- and local governments everywhere in a financing bind, forcing
- up the cost of borrowing and driving down the ability to spend
- for schools, roads, sewers and just about everything else that
- people expect and need from the governments that serve them.
- </p>
- <p> Worst of all, America's money miseries have become the ghoulish
- flipside to the Good Life. For cash-squeezed consumers by the
- millions, shopping on credit for everything from a new suit of
- clothing, to cars, kitchen appliances, even a roof over one's
- head, is increasingly painful. Indeed, by the common consent of
- economists, towering interest rates have done more than any
- other single factor to drive the U.S. into a recession that
- still threatens to push unemployment to a post-World War II
- high.
- </p>
- <p> Now, at last, the rates are coming down--or are they? For the
- moment, the news is good. On Wall Street last week, lenders bid
- down some key short-term interest rates sharply. For example,
- the interest on six-month Treasury bills dropped to 12.7%, down
- about 1 1/2 percentage points since mid-February. Also last week
- major banks across the country chopped their prime rate on
- business loans, the most important single interest rate in the
- whole financial structure, by half a point, canceling an
- increase posted only a week earlier. That leaves the prime at
- 16.5%, a full five points below its record high of 21.5% posted
- in mid-December of 1980.
- </p>
- <p> But no one can rejoice very much so far. For one thing, it is
- anything but certain that the declines will continue. Pessimists
- in the financial community still expect rates, after sliding for
- a while, to turn around and march up past even their recent
- peaks--especially if the Reagan Administration and Congress
- cannot trim menacing budget deficits. Moreover, some highly
- important interest rates have yet to budge the slightest bit.
- Standout example: the interest rate on long-term corporate
- bonds is hanging around 16%, a level that severely hinders
- investment. Few corporations are willing, or indeed even able,
- to commit themselves to pay such a computer-busting rate for,
- say, 30 years.
- </p>
- <p> Worse, even those rates that have edged down still impose costs
- on borrowers that no one but a Mafia loan shark would have dared
- demand in most years past. Indeed, if there is one point on
- which economists of every shade of opinion agree, it is that the
- U.S. cannot enjoy a vigorous recovery from the present
- recession, or perhaps even much of a recovery at all, unless
- interest rates fall much more sharply than they have so far. "It
- would take a drop of five to six percentage points for industry
- to get up on its feet," estimates Richard Peterson, senior vice
- president and economist of Continental Illinois National Bank
- & Trust Co. of Chicago. A comparison with history is helpful.
- In 1978, the last year in which housing construction and auto
- sales could be said to have boomed, both the prime rate and
- interest rates on new mortgages averaged around 9%, little more
- than half their present levels.
- </p>
- <p> By no coincidence, 1978 was also the year before a towering (6
- ft. 7 1/2 in.), burly (240 lbs.) banker named Paul Volcker
- became chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
- System. His appointment by President Jimmy Carter was almost
- universally hailed because Volcker promised to be a man who had
- a plan for controlling inflation, which was galloping along at
- a rate of 13.3% during the year in which he took office. Also,
- Volcker was seen quite rightly as a man with the toughness to
- carry out his plan. The essence of his strategy: deprive
- inflation of its monetary fuel.
- </p>
- <p> Volcker alone did not push up interest rates, nor is he
- singlehandedly keeping them high now. But by law he and the six
- other governors of the board have the prime responsibility for
- creating money, a power that they exercise independently of the
- President. Since interest rates are essentially the price of
- renting money, Volcker has his hands on one side of the
- supply-demand balance that sets those rates.
- </p>
- <p> The demand for money, in the form of lendable funds, is
- determined by many factors: the growth of the economy, the rate
- of inflation (consumers and businessmen need to borrow
- substantially more when prices are rising at a 10% rather than
- a 5% pace) and, of extreme importance, how much the Federal
- Government needs to borrow to cover ballooning budget deficits.
- The Federal Reserve has at its command various devices that can
- in effect create the money needs to meet this And had Volcker
- chosen to use them lavishly in the past few years, he might have
- kept interest rates from skyrocketing as much as they have. By
- the same token, if he chose to expand the nation's money supply
- more rapidly now, that probably would produce lower interest
- rates, at least temporarily. On the other hand, Volcker believes
- that boosting the supply of money would eventually lead to more
- inflation, increased demand for credit and, ultimately, higher
- interest rates than ever.
- </p>
- <p> That is precisely what Volcker is seeking to avoid. In his
- view, previous Fed chairmen, though they tried sporadically to
- keep down the growth of the money supply, erred by devoting far
- more attention than they should have to smoothing out short-term
- fluctuations in interest rates. That policy led them most of the
- time to create too much money for the financial system to
- absorb, thereby intensifying an inflationary spiral that was
- already being fed less by healthy growth than by excessive past
- jolts of money and credit. Shortly after taking office in August
- 1979, Volcker proclaimed a different policy: he would focus on
- permitting only a slow growth in the supply of money and
- credit--insufficient to fuel continued rapid inflation--and let
- interest rates go wherever the market would take them.
- </p>
- <p> His success in following that approach has been far from
- perfect, and at times the nation's money supply has swung up and
- down erratically. But on the whole, Volcker proudly asserts that
- he has done just about what he said he would. In the process,
- however, he has become the nation's prime scapegoat for all its
- economic ills. The cover of the January-February issue of the
- Tennessee Professional Builder, a construction-trade
- publication, consisted of a WANTED poster of Volcker and the
- other six governors of the Federal Reserve (THE MALEFICENT 7),
- charging them with "premeditated and cold-blooded murder of
- millions of small businesses" and kidnaping (and holding for
- ransom) the American dream of home ownership." R. K. Resmondo,
- who runs a cattle ranch near Kissimmee, Fla., has a simple
- solution for high interest rates: "Take a stick and run Mr.
- Volcker out of the country."
- </p>
- <p> The heat on Volcker has been hottest of all in Washington, which
- has hardly surprised him. Members of the Reagan Administration,
- chagrined because high interest rates have plunged the economy
- into an unexpected recession, have been quick to blame Volcker
- for their troubles. Ronald Reagan, asked at a press conference
- in January whether he thought Volcker should resign, declined
- to comment, on the ground that the Federal Reserve is an
- independent entity. This was scarcely a pleasant augury for
- Volcker, since Reagan will have to decide whether to reappoint
- him as Federal Reserve chairman when his term expires a year
- from August.
- </p>
- <p> Reagan met with Volcker alone in the White House living quarters
- on Feb. 15--the first time the two men had ever conferred
- without aides, and only the fourth business meeting between them
- since Inauguration Day. Three days later, the at a press
- conference that the Administration and the Federal Reserve would
- try to work in concert.
- </p>
- <p> In reality, the rapprochement is primarily political. Reagan
- knows that any open breach with the nation's central bank could
- only hurt his Administration. Volcker is already making the
- convincing argument that the Administration's run-away budget
- deficits, which are expected to top $110 billion this year
- alone, are simply driving interest rates higher. A full-blown
- quarrel between the Federal Reserve and the White House would
- only draw attention to Volcker's arguments.
- </p>
- <p> Other Volcker critics are hardly so restrained. Congressmen,
- their ears burned by constituents' tales of woe about their
- inability to pay high interest rates, seethe with helpless
- frustration. Henry Gonzalez, a Democratic Representative from
- Texas, has made the grandstand play of calling for impeachment
- of Volcker (the only way a Fed chairman can be removed). Jim
- Wright, another Texan, who is Majority Leader of the
- Democrat-controlled House, last week called for punitive taxes
- on lenders who charge excessive interest rates, a measure that
- he knows cannot be got through Congress anyway. Howard Baker,
- Majority Leader of the Republican-controlled Senate, grumbles
- that the Federal Reserve "should get its boot off the neck of
- the economy."
- </p>
- <p> In the face of such hysteria Volcker remains unflappably
- impassive. His words and manner are mild. But he argues with
- quit force and conviction that the Reagan Administration has put
- him in an impossible position in its rush to cut taxes and boost
- defense spending to the limits and beyond. The more that
- deficits increase, the greater grow the Government's borrowing
- needs to cover them, and the stronger grows the demand for
- money. As a result of what is looming as perhaps the biggest
- deficit explosion in the nation's history, the Fed can bring
- down interest rates only by stoking the economy with what might
- wind up becoming the biggest new does of inflationary money and
- credit yet. To Congress last week Volcker praised Reagan's
- efforts to stem the tide of red ink by reducing nondefense
- spending, but added mildly that "if I had my druthers," he would
- reduce the deficit "even more." If that cannot be done by
- whacking away at spending, he said, then maybe Congress should
- consider some tax increases--selective raises in excise (sales)
- taxes, perhaps. Said Volcker with heartfelt sincerity: "Give
- us some help."
- </p>
- <p> Underlying Volcker's soft-spoken style is a rock-hard confidence
- in his convictions. In paraphrase, Volcker's policy is roughly
- this: the Fed dares not increase money supply sharply. That
- would only result in another round of inflation. Price boosts
- have in fact been slowing encouragingly, and last week the Labor
- Department reported that consumer prices rose at a mere 3.5%
- annual rate in January, the smallest increase in a year and a
- half.
- </p>
- <p> The fact is, Volcker no more merits sole praise for that
- progress than he deserves sold blame for high interest rates.
- But many financial experts insist that the two developments must
- at lest be considered together. Says Rudolph Penner, head of tax
- policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute in
- Washington: "We are trying to help by slowing the growth of the
- money supply." Adds H. James Toffey, a managing director of
- First Boston Corp., a New York investment firm: "I think Paul
- Volcker has done an outstanding job, even if the White House
- criticizes him for not hitting his money supply targets every
- week. No central bank ever does. In the meantime, no one seems
- to notice that we are not talking about inflation anymore."
- </p>
- <p> One person who still talks about inflation, and incessantly, is
- Volcker. He fears, with considerable justification, that the
- gains could all too easily be lost if money begins to flow in
- torrents from the Fed, prompting a premature expansion before
- inflation is more thoroughly wrung out of the economy.
- </p>
- <p> By the time he became Fed chairman, Volcker told a gathering of
- 1,500 businessmen and bankers in Manhattan last week, "we no
- longer faced a choice between a little ore inflation or a little
- more unemployment. Somehow we ended up with both." He added
- that "pumping up growth in money and credit today could only
- threaten the longevity of recovery" with the menace of renewed
- inflation. A big expansion of money supply, he said, might not
- even bring down interest rates very far for very long, because
- lenders would shortly demand higher interest again to guard
- against having their returns eaten up by a recurrence of rapid
- price hikes. Indeed, Volcker argued that if the Fed had not
- restrained the growth of money supply, "interest rates would
- ultimately be still higher" than they are today, "and remain
- there longer."
- </p>
- <p> Thus, Volcker has made it plain that he intends to provide only
- a bit more money to the economy this year than he did in 1981.
- That policy will possible permit some recovery from the current
- recession, but not a rebound anywhere near so vigorous as
- President Reagan predicts and people everywhere are hoping for.
- If the Administration and Congress want a drop in interest rates
- great enough to promote faster growth. Volcker's position is
- that the only way they can get it is by whacking down the
- deficit. That way, the Government will no longer be driving up
- interest rates by competing with private borrowers for a limited
- supply of lendable funds. If the Administration and Congress
- will not slash the deficit? Well, sorry, says Chairman Volcker,
- then interest rates will stay high, and growth, if any, will
- remain slow. Such is the price that the nation must pay for
- containing inflation. Unfortunately, the costs are climbing
- daily.
- </p>
- <p> Housing. Builders started work on a mere 1,086,000 houses and
- apartment buildings last year, the slowest pace since 1946, and
- annual rates in the past few months have dropped lower still.
- Sales of existing homes plummeted to 2,351,000 in 1982, 40%
- below the level in pre-Volcker 1978. Housing's woes are
- especially maddening to builders and real estate men because
- they figure that the rate at which people are marrying and
- forming new families would support sales of 2 million new and
- 5 million used homes a year. Michael Sumichrast, chief economist
- for the National Association of Home Builders, gloomily
- calculates that the prime rate would have to drop to 13%, with
- a corresponding decline in mortgage rates, just to maintain last
- year's depressed pace of sales.
- </p>
- <p> When an upturn does come, many builders may not be around to
- enjoy it. Thousands have gone broke already, and many thousands
- more are barely hanging on. Turkey Creek, Inc., a family-owned
- contracting firm in Gainesville, Fla., was selling an average
- of two new houses a month until March of 1981. In the eleven
- months since then it has sold two more, total. Meanwhile, the
- company is paying $14,400 a month interest on loans taken out
- to put up 24 houses that are still empty. Says President Forest
- Hope: "We're having to put money back into the business that
- we had invested in certificates of deposit for our children's
- education, and we have cashed in all our life insurance
- policies." Hope thinks he has kept his business solvent by such
- desperate measures, but, he admits, "I haven't seen a financial
- statement since June 1980 because we can't pay the auditors."
- </p>
- <p> Autos. Sales of U.S.-made cars plunged to 6.2 million in 1981,
- the lowest level in 20 years. Signs of a vicious circle are
- appearing. Interest rates on auto loans, averaging 16%,
- discourage buyers, and unsold cars start piling up on dealer
- lots. Meanwhile, the dealers have to borrow at rates generally
- two or three percentage points above the prime to support the
- bulging inventory. Not only has that burden alone helped to
- drive some 3,200 dealers, or roughly one in eight, into
- bankruptcy in the past 2 1/2 years, but the survivors, in order
- to trim costs, have now begun ordering fewer and fewer models
- for their showrooms. That cuts down the volume of walk-in trade
- and reduces sales still further.
- </p>
- <p> Chrysler last week reported a 1981 net loss of $475 million,
- bringing combined losses of all the major U.S. automakers to
- $5.5 billion over the past two years. The red ink threatens
- their ability to raise the $60 billion that they need to spend
- on retooling by 1985 to build smaller and more fuel-efficient
- cars and meet import competition. Says Robert Stempel, general
- manager of General Motors', Chevrolet division: "If the economy
- does not turn by the end of this year, it will be the beginning
- of the end for the U.S. auto industry."
- </p>
- <p> Investment. Economists of all schools agree that the nation
- cannot in the long run enjoy noninflationary growth without a
- large increase in business spending for new plants and
- equipment. But Commerce Department surveys indicate that U.S.
- industry generally plans to spend .5% less on capital projects
- than last year, after adjustment for inflation. One major
- reason, of course, is that uncertainties over the course of
- inflation and recession have made it difficult to calculate
- whether the products of a new factory could be sold profitably.
- Indeed, persistently high interest rates have thus far seemed
- to many businessmen to amount to nothing more than a devil's
- trade in which one menace, inflation, is swapped for
- another--the cost of money itself.
- </p>
- <p> Some economists go so far as to calculate that towering loan
- charges have just about wiped out the investment-stimulating
- benefits of Reagan's tax cuts to business. Moreover, companies
- unwilling to shackle themselves for decades to the high rates
- now charged in the long-term bond market are increasingly
- turning to short-term financing as a way to raise tide-me-over
- cash until long-term rates ease back. In the process, the
- so-called commercial paper market, where such funds are often
- raised, has grown into a wobbly mountain of debt exceeding $164
- billion, up from $83 billion in 1978. Since few, if any,
- companies would even consider trying to finance long- term
- projects by raising short-term funds at rates that could leap
- to new highs every time the debts had to be renewed, more and
- more firms are simply scrapping expansion plans altogether. Last
- week American Airlines joined the list, canceling an order to
- buy 15 new Boeing 757 jets for $600 million and dropping options
- on 15 more. By way of explanation, the company gave the bluntest
- and most understandable of reasons: no money.
- </p>
- <p> Bankruptcies. Dun & Bradstreet, the credit-reporting firm, last
- year counted 17,043 business failures, barely under the
- post-World War II record of 17,075 in 1961; before then, the
- number had not been so high since 1933, one of the worse
- Depression years. This year has started off even worse. Failures
- in the first seven weeks totaled 3,065, or 50% more than a year
- earlier. In the small town of Barnesville, Minn. (pop. 2,500),
- Thomas Fisch, head of a building-supplies firm, counts seven
- businesses that have recently gone bust in his home town.
- Included are a radio-TV shop, a Ford dealership, an auto repair
- shop and one of Fisch's building-supplies competitors. Fisch
- worries that his own business might join them soon. Says he:
- "Because of high interest rates, people can't afford to remodel
- homes, and I can't afford to carry my inventory."
- </p>
- <p> Some business analysts suspect that the Dun & Bradstreet
- figures, grim as they are, actually understate the real business
- death rate. The organization, they point out, counts only
- failures that involve a loss to creditors, and for every one of
- these, there are an estimated ten more businesses that just
- quietly close up and quit. One belongs to Durward DeChenne, who
- in 1960 started a business selling marine equipment and, later,
- snowmobiles in Clarkston, Wash. By 1979 the business had grown
- to a sales volume of $2 million a year. Then came the
- interest-rate surge, and since many of his customers had
- traditionally financed their purchases instead of paying in
- cash. DeChenne's sales plunged. By 1981 his business had
- shriveled to a mere $600,000, and DeChenne was paying 24%
- interest to carry his inventory. Says he: "There isn't any way
- in the world you can pay that kind of interest and make it."
- In November he discharged his five employees and began
- liquidating his inventory, at prices so low that he has lost
- almost all the money he had accumulated in 21 years in business.
- Says DeChenne, 65: "I had hoped to succeed and retire with a
- reasonable income. Now I'm just trying to retire."
- </p>
- <p> Consumer Buying. In the late 1970s, consumer installment debt
- outstanding jumped by anywhere from $35 billion to $43 billion
- annually, intensifying the decade-long inflation. But last
- year, debt expanded by only $19.6 billion, a slowdown that is
- itself proving disruptive. The University of Michigan's most
- recent quarterly survey of consumer attitudes, conducted late
- last year, leaves little doubt as to why: exorbitant interest
- rates.
- </p>
- <p> Though consumers are popularly believed to have only a vague
- notion of the amount of interest that they pay on credit
- purchases, Survey Director Richard T. Curtin found them actually
- to be quite well informed. His researchers asked those who were
- postponing purchases what interest rate they thought they would
- pay if they did buy. Their answers averaged 17.5%--which was
- almost exactly right. How much would they be willing to pay?
- Average answer: 11.9%.
- </p>
- <p> Retailers glumly affirm that this wariness is holding down sales
- of all sorts of goods. In Boston, Dennis Gedzuin, manager of
- The Riverboat, a women's clothing store, estimates that
- charge-card purchases dropped by a third at his store last year.
- Partly as a result, last week The Riverboat still had some
- merchandise left from 1981 and was clearing it out by offering
- discounts as high as 90%. In Milwaukee, Stanley Waldheim,
- president of Waldheim's Furniture Co.,complains that "time
- payments for furniture are at a standstill. That has eliminated
- a big segment of our business." Unable to make enough money on
- cash sales to cover its rising costs--including 18% to 20%
- interest rates on inventory loans--the Waldheim store, founded
- in 1892, is about to close.
- </p>
- <p> Wary though they are about taking on more debt, a growing number
- of consumers seem to be unable to pay off the debts that they
- already have. Personal as well as business bankruptcies are
- rising sharply. High interest rates, of course, are far from the
- only factor. Also important is a general relaxation of federal
- bankruptcy laws. Moreover, the recession itself, by forcing up
- unemployment, is also adding to the bankruptcy rolls.
- Nonetheless, in Oakland, Calif., Bankruptcy Expert Steven
- Flander argues that excessive mortgage payments have become a
- whole new menace that is forcing more and more people into
- insolvency. He adds that while his clients used to be primarily
- lower- or lower-middle income, "now there is really no
- classification. We see doctors, attorneys, real estate people."
- </p>
- <p> Local Government Financing. States, cities and counties
- traditionally raise much money for public works by selling
- bonds. The costs of doing so are becoming staggering. One index
- of interest rates on such municipal bonds shows them averaging
- around 13%, almost exactly double the rate in 1979. That is a
- truly astonishing rate, because the interest on these bonds is
- exempt from federal income taxes; for a buyer in the 50% tax
- bracket, a 13% municipal-bond yield is equivalent to a 26% yield
- on a corporate bond. Moreover, states and cities are incurring
- these costs at a time when the recession is crimping tax
- receipts and the Reagan Administration's budget-cutting efforts
- are curbing the flow of federal grants-in-aid.
- </p>
- <p> Unwilling, or even unable, to pay the towering bond market
- rates, many localities, like corporations, have begun borrowing
- in the short-term market. Now, however, some are reaching the
- limit of their ability to do so. Dade County, Fla., which
- encompasses Miami, has run up $200 million in short-term debt,
- and county commissioners believe that is about as much as the
- county's taxpayers can afford. As a result, if rates do not ease
- back to more tolerable levels, the commissioners may wind up
- having to pick and choose among a long list of public projects,
- from seaport and airport expansion to water and sewer projects
- and roads, deciding which to shelve and which to go ahead with.
- Says Stacey Hornstein, the county's capital improvements
- coordinator: "I can't tell you we won't stop any project."
- </p>
- <p> Agriculture. Farmers traditionally borrow heavily in order,
- among other things, to finance planting and machinery purchases,
- paying off the loans when they sell their crops. For some, the
- costs are becoming ruinous. In northwest Wisconsin, Walter
- Betzel grossed $100,000 last year from his 350 acres of corn and
- oats and his 30 milk cows. Some $19,000 of the amount went right
- off the top for interest payments. After his interest and other
- operating expenses, Betzel had $5,000 left to spend on his wife
- and three children. Says he: "We're sick of it. We don't go out
- to any movies, we don't go out to eat."
- </p>
- <p> Interest costs have set off a kind of chain reaction in the
- farm lands. Food processors rely on short-term financing to
- stock up on the raw goods that they package, can and otherwise
- process into food. But to hold down interest costs, the
- processors are now slashing inventories and buying less from
- their farmer-suppliers. Those cutbacks are coming precisely when
- the farmers need every penny to pay their interest charges. The
- squeeze on the farmers is forcing more and more of them to try
- to cut back on their interest burdens, and many are doing so by
- postponing the purchase of tractors, combines and other farm
- equipment. The retrenching simply passes the interest-rate
- misery on to the farm-equipment manufacturers, which are
- starting to buckle under their own swelling inventories.
- </p>
- <p> Giant International Harvester Co., hurt by slumping sales and
- high interest costs of its own, has lost $800 million in the
- past two fiscal years and almost $300 million more in the first
- quarter of fiscal 1982. The company announced last week that it
- would sell its 50% interest in a profitable Japanese company,
- a move that some analysts interpreted as a desperate measure to
- raise cash.
- </p>
- <p> The prospects that interest rates will soon come down, and stay
- down, are dubious at best. Some financial experts do look for
- further declines. Leif Olsen, head of the economic policy
- committee of Citibank, believes that the recession will soon dry
- up corporate demand for credit, relieving the borrowing
- pressure. Secretary of the Treasury Donald Regan argues that the
- second stage of the Reagan tax cuts, a 10% slash in income tax
- rates taking effect July 1, will prompt much more savings by
- individuals, thereby increasing the supply of lendable funds and
- relieving pressure on interest in yet another way.
- </p>
- <p> Perhaps so, but powerful forces other than tight money alone
- will be working to keep interest rates high, no matter what
- Volcker does. In large part, the jump in interest rates over the
- past few years represents a belated catchup by the price of
- money with the rise of all other prices since the mid-1960s.
- Through years of high inflation, many interest rates--on
- mortgages, consumer loans, bank savings deposits--were held down
- by federal or state controls. Most of these controls have been
- dismantled.
- </p>
- <p> Interest rates have now caught up with inflation, and with a
- vengeance. With inflation dropping, the "real" return on many
- loans--the amount by which the interest rate exceeds the
- expected rate of inflation, thus representing a genuine gain to
- the lender--averages around 8%. That figure amazes many
- financiers: it is just about double what had been considered
- the historic real return.
- </p>
- <p> The trend, of course, is benefiting many people. The same
- consumer who pays high interest on a mortgage or auto loan may
- well be collecting high interest on a certificate of deposit or
- an investment in a money market mutual fund. Those who can avoid
- borrowing and have dollars to lend are reaping a bonanza.
- </p>
- <p> For all that, the extraordinary rise in real return would seem
- to leave room for a drop in rates that would help many more
- people than it would hurt. Yet it would be most unwise to bet
- on such a chancy prospect. For one thing, uncertainties over the
- size of the federal deficit are themselves acting as a prop
- against steep rate declines. Adding "off-budget" financing by
- federal credit agencies to the stated deficit, the Federal
- Government borrows about 35% of all the lendable funds in the
- country. Henry Kaufman, chief economist of the investment
- banking firm of Salomon Bros., predicts that as a rising deficit
- bumps up against he borrowing demands of businesses and
- individuals, "the downward trend of interest rates will
- probably reverse before midyear, and in the second half,
- long-term rates will once again threaten their peaks of 1981."
- Worse, there are widespread fears that the actual deficit will
- soar beyond Reagan's projections of $98.6 billion this fiscal
- year and $91.5 billion in fiscal 1983. Alice Rivlin,
- Congressional Budget Office director, last week revealed grim
- new estimates projecting steadily increasing deficits reaching
- nearly $140 billion in 1985, even after the unlikely passage of
- all of Reagan's spending and revenue reforms.
- </p>
- <p> A few Fed watchers suspect that Volcker himself might eventually
- cave in to pressure and pump more money into the economy in an
- effort to bring down interest rates--especially if today's high
- rates seem to be thrusting the economy into an ever deepening
- recession, with no end in sight. If the economy continues to
- spiral down, says one financier, "by election time every
- politician in the country will be running against Volcker."
- </p>
- <p> But Volcker's stand nevertheless has impressive support in the
- business, financial and academic communities. Members of TIME's
- Board of Economists wish that Volcker, while continuing to hold
- down the growth of money supply, would try a mite harder to
- prevent interest rates from gyrating so much. But in general
- they give the chairman of the Federal Reserve a strong and
- well-deserved vote of confidence.
- </p>
- <p> Says Alan Greenspan, a Republican and non-Government advisor to
- President Reagan: "I think Volcker is doing as well as anyone
- could, given the current economic environment." Adds Otto
- Eckstein, who served on the Council of Economic Advisers under
- Lyndon Johnson: "Volcker is the strongest Federal Reserve
- chairman in history."
- </p>
- <p> Even in Congress, Volcker has strong champions. Says Colorado
- Republican William Armstrong, a member of the Senate Banking
- Committee: "People think that every morning when he shaves,
- Paul Volcker decides what interest rates are going to be that
- day. It's a myth. There is nothing the Fed can do about it with
- the massive deficits we are rolling up." Adds New Mexico
- Republican Harrison Schmitt, another member of the Senate
- Banking Committee: "You can yell and scream at him, but in your
- heart of hearts you don't want him to back down."
- </p>
- <p> In all of public life, no one has put his career and his
- energies more wholeheartedly into a more thankless task than has
- Volcker. In his search for long-term and lasting relief from the
- debilitating inflation that has racked the economy for more than
- a decade. Volcker has angered many people and baffled many more.
- Yet with grinding certainty he is reaching his goal of bringing
- inflation to heel. By common consent of all who know him, Paul
- Volcker is an exceedingly steadfast man, and one who seems
- determined to continue on his course.
- </p>
- <p>-- By George J. Church, Reported by David Beckwith and Gisela Bolte/Washington, with
- other U.S. bureaus</p>
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